Not sure how maternity leave managed to go by so fast. The first week I was home alone, I was actually stir crazy in the house. And then we got into the groove. It is much, much harder with two that are different ages (though I'm SURE twins have challenges all their own). Miss 2.0 is now a total toddler and into everything. Though she loves Miss 3.0 and being a big sister. I really did attempt to "do" stuff with the girls, but it's been so cold making all activities have to be indoors.
(DECREE - Curleygirl 2.0 will henceforth be referred to as "2.0" and Curleygirl 3.0 will be known as "3.0")
Here's our typical outing (substitute any store here).
1. Getting ready
I was so looking forward to shopping for new clothes! I did finally buy a double stroller, so I'm fully capable of toting them both around. First of all, have to get everyone dressed and with clean diapers. Then, depending on how long we plan to be gone, I usually have to feed 3.0, which is another 20-30 minutes. Packing up consists of diapers and wipes all around, snacks and juice for 2.0 to keep her happy, and we can't forget Tigger (or all hell breaks loose), and then a change of clothes for 2.0 just in case. So now we're clothed, clean, fed, and packed.
2. The trip
The first thing I do, is make sure I have the correct stroller in the car (it really stinks to get somewhere and have the wrong stroller). Then I load up the diaper bag and anything else I need. I put 2.0 in the car first because inevitably she gets into something if I don't. And half the time I get her strapped in and hear "Poo-poo! Change diaper!". Then I get to unload her, run upstairs (again), and change the diaper. All the time hoping and praying that 3.0 isn't pooping in the meantime. Now I load up 2.0 and get her all strapped in. I've usually already got 3.0 strapped into the baby carrier, so I just pop her into the car. Whew! Now we're ready to go!
3. The mall
We get to the mall and I have full intention of spending at least an hour shopping for my new non-maternity clothes, which I've been daydreaming about for a month. I decide to stick with Macy's because that's where we parked and it's an in and out, rather than having to go all through the mall. I first get the stroller out, load it up with the diaper bag and anything else. I then put 3.0 in the back. And, then I get out 2.0. I put 2.0 in the front and strap her down, all the while listening to her cry "Tigger!! Tigger!!". So, I get Tigger and hand him off. And we're off.
I wrestle with the doors to get into the d*&mn store and head for the women's section. As I squeeze the stroller into the racks of clothes and start to browse, I notice that the racks next to me are tilting and some of the shirts are falling off the hanger. Whoops! Toddler Stroller Rule #1 - don't get her within arms reach of ANYTHING. As I tell her no and pull the silks out of her hands, I get a piercing scream "NOOOOOOO!". So, I head for the displays near the wide aisle where 2.0 can't reach anything. Of course, nothing is on sale on the aisle displays, but no matter - we're rich! *sigh*
Upon realizing she can't grab anything, 2.0 immediately begins with the "Down! Down!". I'm like "yeah, right". So, I break out the snacks and juice and give them to her. Whew - a moment to shop again! I start looking at the nice, skinny, new clothes when Tigger decides to take a header off the stroller. Hand him back, and next goes the cup. I'm also beginning to notice Goldfish on the floor. Feeling guilty, I pick up the Goldfish and instead of giving her a bunch, I start handing them off one by one so they go straight to the mouth. 2.0 lets me know right away that I can't seem to keep up the pace of Goldfish distribution and clothes adoration, so I just hand her the bag and silently hope no one notices all the fish that are jumping ship. Five more minutes of peace.
About this time I hear a "phhhtttlllrrrprpppp" coming from the back of the stroller and a gosh-awful smell along with it. I sigh and head for the door. Wonder how quickly they ship?