Friday, December 30, 2005

Ah, where to begin...

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! We certainly did. Best one ever! Busy, busy, busy though. Babygirl was a trooper through it all, though she was completely worn out every night.

Babygirl had her 6 month checkup a couple weeks ago. Still long and lean, but healthy and a very happy little baby. She entertained the doctor with her toe sucking trick, all while the doctor was trying to talk to me. Slurrrrrp! The big item that came out of the checkup is that Babygirl has outgrown her infant seat (she’s too tall for it). Huge shock for Mapgeek and I who were not expecting to invest in a new car seat for a few more months. So, I bought a new seat that was recommended by many and now we can’t figure out how to install it to our satisfaction. And no, fire departments don’t install car seats anymore. Liability of course.

Babygirl is also crawling! Full on, pedal to the metal, get out of my way, CRAWLING. Not only that, she also pulls herself up. So we’ve also had the big investment of a gate for the top of the stairs and the Superyard XT, which is a bunch of gates linked together that you can form a circle with (like a playpen). In our case, I stretched it from one wall, across the fireplace and TV (including cords) to the other wall. Makes a nice Babygirl barrier and she loves to pull up on it and watch the fire or the TV. I love this thing!

So that’s our biggest news for the moment, though I have tons more to write about. It will have to wait until another time.

Happy New Year’s!!

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