Monday, February 13, 2006

Takeover 2030

Is anyone else nervous about Muslims? I know I am and it's not because of any racist (the fundamental belief that one race is better than another) or bigoted thoughts. I'm nervous because there seem to be a lot of Muslims (radicals?) out there that absolutely hate me and want me dead. At all costs - including the death of their own. And everything ticks them off. It's a catch-22 for all Westerners - no solutions except for death. I haven't heard of any Muslims propose a plan for co-existing. A profound quote from the Mona Charen op-ed piece from Friday - "[Muslims] want to live in Europe and reap the benefit of the civilization Christianity, rationalism and enlightenment have created -- but they despise it and hope to destroy it." Read her column about Bruce Bawer's "While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within."

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