Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I did it again!

I've got so much to write about and I can't seem to find the time. So, I don't write. Shame on me! I want to tell you about our camping trip to North Carolina in August, our semi-impromptu family reunion in Indiana in September, and Babygirl's first football game. Plus, there's all the updates about how much our little girl is growing! Did I mention that she started "school" in September?

Curleygirl v3.0 is growing away. Pregnancy the second time around has been very similar to the first time, though it seems this little girl is more active that Babygirl. If that's possible. Only 8 weeks to go, so we are all home for the holidays this year. Did I also mention that our good friend 'Nato is also home for the holidays? All the way from the madness commonly known as Iraq. Yay!

And then there was this wonderful pseudo-concert that Mapgeek and I went to the other night. It was at Big D's house and featured Francis Dunnery. British folksy, jazzy type music. I have lots to say about how good Mr. Dunnery is and what an interesting and inspiring performance he gave. More on that too...

For now, here's a couple interesting links I picked up on Boortz today:
Now that the country is going to San Francisco hell, I thought it time to re-evaluate.
The World's Smallest Political Quiz
I'm a conservative libertarian (big surprise).

40 Things That Only Happen in Movies
I have hope of moviestardom! I just need to find my comb...

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