Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Toddler Rule #4

If you find yourself having to venture forth to the Land of Chuck E. Cheese, the bastion of all things evil, be sure to do the following:
  1. Make sure that your toddler has been fed prior to visiting the home of hell-spawn, otherwise, your kid might starve.
  2. Pad your kid with extra diapers so you can limit the diaper changing while there and avoid the inevitable wrestling match when you try to pull your kid away from the RIDES RIDES RIDES to clean him up.
  3. Don't turn your attention for a minute, or your kid might climb into the kid-sized gerbil maze and get stuck in a tube that's bolted to the ceiling, approximately 10 feet above your head.

1 comment:

karibud said... I've really sworn off that place!