Ok, I just got back from the grocery store. Our friendly neighborhood Publix. At our Publix, there are two parking spots designated for expectant mothers. Being 1 day away from my due date, I take advantage of not walking the extra 20 feet. Some young thang in a silver Accord pulled into one of them. She was dressed in gym clothes and if she was pregnant, she certainly wasn’t showing, though I guess I shouldn't assume. Then, last weekend, Mapgeek and I came out of Publix, where we had to park next to the expectant mother parking spot, as they were both taken. We were followed out by a middle-aged, gray haired woman who had one of the young bag boys pushing her cart with her 5 bags to her 700 series BMW, which was parked next to us in the expectant mothers spot. Now, if she was pregnant, I'm a monkey's uncle. She was very loudly explaining to the bag boy (I’m sure for our benenfit, seeing how I can’t hide the pregnancy), how she feels that the expectant mother parking spots can be used by anyone. Give me a break. Can you say…BUSTED!!
What is wrong with people? I understand that these spaces (all 2 of them) are not governed by any laws. I also realize that some people do have problems getting around. However, if you're less mobile because you're 100 pounds overweight, go see your doctor and get a medical reprieve. That's why God invented handicapped stickers. What happened to courtesy? What happened to the care and nurturing of mothers? When did people get so lazy? (Did I point out that the young thang just came from a workout????) I hope these people and anyone else that is the center of the universe is ashamed.
And I feel the exact same way about people that abuse handicapped spots (having been previously in a wheelchair with a broken leg). However, in that case, I can call someone to apply that $500 fine. Yay!