Thursday, July 07, 2005

Thinking of London

Lots going on today. The Tube and several buses in London were bombed during rush hour this morning. Lots of people killed by terrorists. Watching the news this morning, I see familiar places that Mapgeek and I visited just a few months ago. My sympathies to the English and their beautiful city.

I'm sick to death of extremism. It reminds me of the whackos in the US that are so pro-life or the militants that are so anti-goverment. Violence to promote beliefs, just in case anyone disagrees with them. As we all know, there is no reasoning with these people. No point in discussions or rational thought. It's like dealing with a small child. As that appears to be the case, let them make their demands. Then let's leave Iraq, Afghanistan, and any other place they think we should. Then, let them exist in whatever "peace" they find. However, as that is not really reasonable for the rest of us, let's first annex the oil fields, then leave. Or better yet, let's find alternative soures of fuel, including ANWAR, then leave the little bastards to their virgins. Human rights violations (at the hands of these freaks) be damned.

Ok, I'm done ranting. I could go on and on about this, but I'm sure it's all be said before. Makes me unbelievably ticked.

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