Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Cheers to JK Rowling!

Harry Potter (with spitting English accent)!! Yes, I am a sucker for Harry Potter. I have enjoyed the first five books and am looking forward to my Amazon order coming with #6. What an amazing legacy JK Rowling has created. If I could only have half the imagination and time and patience to put together a story like this. Kudos to Ms. Rowling for creating such a wonderful place!

When I was growing up, I was one of those kids that read constantly. I mean, I got in trouble in school by reading during class. I lied to my parents telling them I was scared and to leave the hall light on. Only so I could continue to read my favorite books by the light of the hall. CONSTANTLY. There were a few books that I remember that were some of my favorites. I've been buying them periodically on Amazon so that I can re-read them (haha) and so my kids might experience the same escapes into other places that I loved so much. And, since I'm writing here, I thought that I'd sometimes put them here too so that some of you might go "oh yeah! I remember that one!" or even check them out at the library.

The latest ones I've gotten are the Wrinkle in Time series by Madeline L'Engle. I loved these! My favorite memory is of the people in the other world that did everything at exactly the same time, such as all the kids bouncing balls in rhythm.

Today, I ordered From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. This is one that most people don't know. It's about a brother and sister that move into a museum. It reminds me a little bit of the movie, Terminal. The kids hide in the restroom until closing and get change out of the fountain. As a child, I was always fascinated with being in a museum after closing and doing anything I wanted. I can't wait to read this again!

I'm also on the hunt for a series of books and I can't remember the titles. It's about a nerdy, loner girl who's only friends are a younger nerdy (and somewhat overweight) boy, an elderly neighbor woman that is a witch, and an older man (think he helped the elderly neighbor). The books are primarly about adventures of the girl and the elderly witch woman. The stories were somewhat dark, but entertaining. I believe I read them around 4-6th grades sometime. Let me know if anyone remembers them!

1 comment:

Sean said...

I read that! My memory is that their underwear turned grey, from wasing it in the fountain so long without bleach! (i actually think about it every time i do laundry. Or at least my whites.)