Thursday, November 03, 2005

The morning after too much booze

If we'd only had aerobics class the night after! I'd have never missed those classes.

I especially like the helpful hints at the bottom of the article. Wonder what just-out-of-college journalist wrote these.

-Don't drink cheap liquor.
-Have a cheeseburger and fries, three glasses of water and two ibuprofens before going to sleep.
-Drink lots of water.
-To brave the hair of the dog, start drinking again.
-Eat a big breakfast, take two Excedrin Tension Headache, then take a hourlong nap (if you have trouble getting back to sleep, you're not really hung-over).
-Have a Bloody Mary for breakfast.
-Check into the spa for the day (after eating something to soak up the alcohol).
-Homemade lemonade using the coldest water, tons of sugar and fresh lemons.
-Red beer (tomato juice and beer).
-Pepperoni or cheese calzone.
-Take two Tylenol before passing out.
-BC Powder: pour packet on tongue and chase with water.


Anonymous said...

Where did this come from? :-)

Curleygirl said...

AJC (Atlanta Journal Constitution) Check the link

P-Dogg said... beeer......

/Homer Simpson