Friday, September 30, 2005

Immortalizing Babygirl

Babygirl, Grandmommy P, and I went today to have the first “official” pictures taken of Babygirl. As I mentioned before, Babygirl is on the verge of outgrowing all her 0-3 month clothes. It’s been a somewhat traumatic event for me as I look at her cute things. The very FIRST things that I’ve ever bought for her and realize that she’s never ever ever going to wear them again. It makes me very sad. So, we’re immortalizing Babygirl in her cute dresses. And then I’ll have them professionally tucked away for who knows what. Maybe I can stick them in the box with my wedding dress (whenever I get *that* sealed up). Then in twenty plus years, when she opens my wedding dress to wear at her own wedding, she’ll find her first babygirl dresses and we can be all nostalgic all over again. A great Mommy/Babygirl moment. It’s making me teary just thinking about it.


We went to the Bern Art studio in Northpoint. I found them when I was wandering around one day. They had a framed example of the body parts pictures. Body parts is the black and white photos that are taken of the baby’s body parts. Hands, lips, feet, butt, ears, etc. A good friend of my mom’s introduced me to the concept when she showed me her grandson’s 100 or so pictures or his parts. You then can make a collage of the parts. All for remembering them young and small. (tears again here) So, I decided to make an appointment with Bern Art just because time’s running out and I didn’t know what else to do. The people that run the studio are super nice and hopefully the pictures will be awesome.

I’d say the most important pictures we got were of Babygirl in her christening gown that was made by Grandmommy P. This is the most amazing christening gown ever and I wish you all could see the detail that went into it. An absolutely AMAZING heirloom. Mairin will be the first in it, but it’s intended for all the clan’s children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Hopefully someone down the line will put together a big composite of all the babies that were christened in it.

And then we came home and got the washing machine repaired. All in all, an exciting day.

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