Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Mardi Gras stunk anyways

I read an interesting editorial today by Robert Tracinski and I believe that several news sources are also reporting the same facts. It seems that rather than evacuating the jails in New Orleans, the government there just let the convicts go. What the hell?????? So, coming to the same conclusion I did, it appears that the people that were “left” in New Orleans were a bunch of convicts and those that were homeless, poor, or had nowhere to go. I’m beginning to understand why rescuers are getting shot at and looters are rampant.

A woman in Cobb County was killed today during a carjacking incident. To make a long story short, the bad guy hit a cement truck, which killed her. He was then shot and killed by another guy that saw the initial carjack. Yay! In addition, the bad guy is the prime suspect in a rape that happened in Cobb County yesterday morning. It was reported that the bad guy was an evacuee from New Orleans.

Update (September 18)
As commented, the bad guy here was NOT an evacuee. He was an Atlanta-grown bad guy. Rape, child molestation, burglary, car jacking, etc.

Moving on and continuing my train of thought here. Early Saturday morning (or late Friday night…I’d guess the AM part), a neighbor here had their house broken into. Now, you must understand that the said neighbor left their garage doors open and probably the door from the garage to the house unlocked. (Hey yall! Come on in!) Regardless, someone walked into their house and stole wallets, IPods, and several other items. The burglers also proceeded to drink beer and leave the bottles behind in his garage (smart ones these guys). This neighbor printed out flyers for everyone in the ‘hood describing the incident and who to call if they saw anything. During our party, I walked out of the Man Pit (Mapgeek’s basement area) and discovered that someone spray painted a smiley face on one of our deck supports. And, Mapgeek also discovered a mostly empty bottle of rum in the front yard. When the detective returned my call, he said the “Beer Bottle Bandits” had been hitting several neighborhood houses and raiding garages and drinking beer. Most likely teenagers.

The conclusion…..there are several families in our neighborhood that are hosting displaced NO families. The Beer Bottle Bandits have just recently started raiding. See where I’m going? After reading all I’ve read, does this seem reasonable? The reality is that we probably have a couple teenage hoodlums in our ‘hood. Don’t they realize that these “pranks” could ruin their lives? I sure hope their parents notice and turn them in. Before they get shot by an itchy-trigger homeowner for walking into their house in the middle of the night. Or gets run over by the person that FLIES through the ‘hood at 5:30 every morning.

The sad part of all this is that most people are generally good. The few bad ones (and apparently really bad ones) are ruining everyone else. I’m now hesitant to donate any money or goods to any organization supporting NO. I wonder how many others feel this way. I’d rather give directly so my support doesn’t go to the bad guys. Of course, I’m a sucker, so I’d probably be giving to the bad guys anyways. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

I read today that this guy was just a REALLY BAD guy who happened to be from Cobb County. He had recently been released from jail after serving time. But authorities do believe he is responsible for both crimes this week.

Curleygirl said...

I'll update when I learn more. We certainly have enough bad guys in Atlanta.